Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Christmas Parade

The Christmas Parade was great fun for everyone involved. We had over 30 scouts participate, which is the most I have seen on our float since I have been doing this. The boys really enjoyed themselves, and I can only say "thank you" to all of the parents who helped make this happen. I have put up several pictures from the parade up on the sidebar. If you have photos, please email them to me.

Next on the calendar, we have regular den meetings, and then on Thursday, December 13th, we will have our Pack meeting. Our December schedule is a little short because of the holidays. On December 13th, we will meet up at the church beginning at 5 pm, and all caravan to the different assisted living centers here in town. We will go Christmas caroling at the different centers. At approximately 7 pm, we will meet back at the church for our Pack meeting. At the Pack meeting, we will have hot cocoa and cookies, and will hand out the prizes the boys have earned from their popcorn sales.

Which reminds me, if you haven't turned in your popcorn money, it is important that you turn in your popcorn sales to me as soon as possible. You should bring your sales and your sales sheets to my house, at 113 Lindsey Avenue. I will be available after 6 pm. It is vital that we get all outstanding accounts settled now.

Also, if you are a returning scout, and you owe back dues, we must get those dues paid NOW. We can't register boys on our new charter if they owe back dues. If you are not sure if you owe back dues, please call or see your den leader NOW. If a boy owes back dues, and is not on the charter, he can't participate in events, like the pinewood derby, kite building contest, raingutter regatta, etc.

I look forward to seeing all of the boys caroling on the 13th. However, if you can't make the caroling, please still come to the Pack meeting to pick up your popcorn prizes and to enjoy some cookies and hot cocoa.



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