Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Go See It at Fort Massac

I want to thank all of the wonderful scouts, parents, leaders and staff who attended the event at the Fort. We looked like an invading army. For having such a huge group, I commend all of the scouts (and their parents) for behaving so well. I hope the scouts learned something and had some fun!

One of the scouts, Lucas Stahl, had to leave early because he cut his forehead on the flat end of a nail at the Fort. He is just fine, but we missed him. I'm glad he is okay.

Here are some pictures of the event. Remember, that we have our Pack meeting next Tuesday, September 28th, at 7 pm in the United Methodist Church basement. See you there!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The September Newsletter

Welcome and Welcome Back, Scouts, Parents, and Leaders of Pack 101!

There are many things happening in scouting over the next month or so. Meeting times are set for our groups, but some groups may change, depending if we need to form additional Dens.

Tiger Cub Den 5: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm; Tiger Cub Den 15: Meets Thursdays at 6 pm
Wolf Den 4: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm; Wolf Den 14: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm
Bear Den 3: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm; Bear Den 13: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm
Webelos I Den 2: Meets Thursdays at 6 pm; Webelos II Den 1: Meets Tuesdays at 7 pm

Each week we will meet (unless otherwise directed by your leader). For Tigers Cubs ONLY, we meet regularly on the first and second week, and then take a small trip called a “Go See It” on the third week.

FOR EVERYBODY, the fourth Tuesday of every month is our PACK MEETING. During that week, instead of meeting in our dens, we all gather as a Pack and have awards, advancements, and any special events that we will do.

Find your group and mark your calendar. All meetings up at the UM Church in Metropolis unless otherwise noted:

Tuesday, September 14th: Tiger Den 5, 6 pm, Wolfs, 6pm, Bears, 6 pm, Webelos II, 7 pm.

Thursday September16th: Tiger Den 15, 6 pm, Webelos I, 6 pm.

Tuesday, September 21st: Tiger Cubs, Den 5 and 15, GO SEE IT! We will meet at 6 pm up at the Fort Massac Museum and Visitor’s Center. Wolfs, Bears, Webelos I and Webelos II are also invited to attend and have this meeting take the place of their regular meetings. Talk to your individual leader about that.

Tuesday, September 28th: PACK MEETING, 7 pm up at the UM Church basement. We will hand out individual awards and advancements and go over our next events.

We have officially begun our Popcorn sale! This is the one fundraiser we do which has enabled us to put on a great program for the boys every year. We are able to supply all of the kits for our contests, food when we cook out, and pay expenses for the trips we take because the boys work so diligently to meet the goals of the Pack. Even though it involves time, you will find that when a scout takes an order for popcorn, it practically sells itself! Metropolis and the surrounding communities really support our scouting program and many people are looking forward to an opportunity to order from your scout.

When a scout sells popcorn, remember to be safe. First, if the scout has a uniform, he should wear his uniform. People expect and respect it. Second, scouts should not go out and sell alone. Parents or guardians should accompany him. Third, remember that this is the time we TAKE ORDERS only; scouts are not handling money at this time. This is also a good sales strategy. A good approach goes something like this: “Hello, I am taking orders for popcorn for the Cub Scouts Pack 101. Would you like to order something? Our Chocolate Covered Popcorn tastes really great!” They may look at your order, or place an order. If they are not interested in popcorn, show them that there are other items than popcorn, and make them aware that if they want, they can make a military donation, in which the popcorn they buy will be sent overseas to our troops around the world. If they are not sure about ordering now, let them know that you are only taking orders now, and are not collecting money. A person only pays for his or her popcorn when it is delivered.

Sales goals per scout are as follows: Tigers: Let’s shoot for selling $200 per scout! Wolfs, let’s shoot for $300 per scout; Bears, let’s shoot for $400 per scout; Webelos I, let’s shoot for $500 per scout, and Webelos II, let’s shoot for $750 per scout! These are all do-able goals. However, whether you can reach this individual goal or not, I want you to DO YOUR BEST! Every order taken helps to make this Pack go!

Important Dates For the Popcorn Sale. Information about all the prizes the boys can earn:

The take order part of the sale (going door to door, taking orders) begins NOW. Everybody should have gotten the take order forms at your den meetings. If you did not, please see your leader or see me and we’ll get you what you need to start!

The take order part of the sale officially ends the week of October 18th. You will need to turn in your order forms to your leader at the den meeting you have that week. I have to submit popcorn order to the council office by NOON on October 22nd, so we can’t be late with those forms.

Saturday, November 6th is the popcorn pick up date. Leaders will have your popcorn by that afternoon.

Scouts will have until November 21st to deliver popcorn and to collect money for popcorn sales.

We will officially collect all monies for popcorn orders on Monday, November 23rd. We will meet up at the UM Church beginning at 7 pm. This meeting will take the place of our November Pack meeting. You MUST turn in your popcorn money to us at that time. We can not turn our popcorn sales in late, or our whole Pack will lose a substantial bonus from our Council for turning the money in on time.

Scouts, it’s up to you to make this happen! For each den which makes its sales goals on average, Pack 101 will throw your den a PIZZA Party! There are lots of great prizes offered by Trail's End that you should shoot for. In addition to the pizza party and the prizes the boys will earn from Trail's End, our Council and District offer great prize incentives for each boy, too!

Parents, each week, you need to report to your den leaders how much in popcorn order your scout has taken. For every $50 of popcorn sold per scout each week, we get to enter that scout in a council wide drawing for PRIZES, and at the end of the drawing, on October 22nd there will be a council wide drawing for a NEW BIKE!

For every $250 sold per scout, in addition to being entered in the $50 drawing, your scout will also be entered into a drawing for a $75 gift card from Gamestop. For every $500 sold per scout, the scout will be entered into a drawing for a new LAPTOP COMPUTER!! For every $600 sold per scout, the scout will receive a MARSHMALLOW CROSSBOW in addition to any other prizes they earn from Trail's End.

If a boy sells more than $1500, he will receive and additional $50 from Trails' End (typically a Wal Mart gift card); If a boys sells more than $2500 in popcorn, they will also earn a college scholarship fund from Trail's End, based on the amount of popcorn sold.

For every page of orders a boy fills up, he will be entered into a drawing for a PLAYSTATION 3!!!

For every boy that sells more than $500, Pack 101 will pay their registration fees for next year. For every boy that sells more than $750, Pack 101 will pay their registration fees and give them a CASH BACK BONUS based on their total sales. If a scout has already paid his registration fee, we will either refund his fee (CASH BACK BONUS) or apply it to the following year! One more thing, in addition to that, we will have mystery houses around Metropolis. If a boy comes to the door of the mystery house, even if the person there does not order popcorn, they will report to me that this scout has visited, and that scout will receive a SPECIAL MYSTERY GIFT from Pack 101 at the end of the sale.

Here’s an example or two of what we did because of our great popcorn sale last year:

Please stay connected to Pack 101 by “LIKING” us on facebook, by searching for Metropolis Illinois Cub Scout Pack 101. Follow our blog at As always, if you have a question, please email me at, or call me at (618) 524-8340.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Meeting times, places

At present, all meetings will be held at the UM Church in Metropolis.

Tiger Den 5: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm

Tiger Den 15: Meets Thursdays at 6 pm

Wolf Den 4: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm

Wolf Den 14: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm

Bear Den 3: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm

Bear Den 13: Meets Tuesdays at 6 pm

Webelos I Den 2: Meets Thursdays at 6 pm

Webelos II Den 1: Meets Tuesdays at 7 pm

We have already recruited leaders for the new Wolf den, and should have help for the Webelos II den; we still need to recruit leaders for the Tiger Cubs, and for the new Bear Den we are creating. Recruiting leaders is a great problem to have!

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