Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Raingutter Regatta and Pool Party!

Last Saturday, it was a grey day. It rained before the pool party. In fact, while we were setting up the grill, before we began the actual party, it poured. For the first 15 minutes or so, it looked like we were going to get soaked, whether we got in the pool or not. However, the rain cleared, we had our race, handed out lots of prizes, cooked lots of burgers, and enjoyed ourselves in the pool for the rest of the evening. Here are some pictures:

In August, we will visit schools and prepare scouts and leaders alike for the new year in scouting. We will have our official cub scout round up August 25th, from 7 to 9 in the basement of the United Methodist Church. If you are interested in scouting, but are not part of our Pack, please come by and learn more about Pack 101. You'll be glad you did!

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